- 简介:
- 简介:
red mercury
- 简介:
Three young Muslim men, part of a terror cell, are making a bomb in a London flat, when they get a call to vacate immediately with their gear. The police have been alerted and they are under suspicion. Asif, Shahid and Mushtaq grab suitcases, the computer, and a cardboard box containing bomb making equipment and bolt out the door. Shahid''s getaway car is clamped so the three are forced to escape on foot from the pursuing police. Cornered, they dive into a restaurant on a busy city street. It is the Olympus Grill and dinner is being served to its well-heeled clientele. With the police outside, Asif, Shahid and Mushtaq have nowhere to go. Mushtaq, thinking quickly, declares that they will hold the restaurant goers hostage. The diners are forced to get up from their tables where they have been enjoying the delicious Greek cuisine. They are lined up against a wall. Electra, the young waitress, is also forced to stand in line.
- 简介:尼克是一名酒精、烟草与火器管理局警察,他一向喜欢独来独往的办案,这次依然如此,当得知有一宗军火交易将要进行时,火暴的尼克乘坐直升机从天而降,杀的军火贩子四散奔逃,一番交火后,军火贩子头目仓皇出逃,尼克穷追不舍,眼见已经无路可逃的军火贩子头目挟持一个女孩当做人质,尼克果断开枪将其击毙,不料,在尼克开枪的同时,他已将手雷拔掉拉环,女孩被当场炸死,尼克欲哭无泪,无比内疚的尼克心灰意冷。不久,尼克在监狱做卧底的同事被杀,得知消息的尼克来到医院,看到尸体后觉得事有蹊跷,为了查出真凶,尼克决定以罪犯的名义混入监狱。